Special days of the year

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery- 2nd December

On 2 December 1949 the General Assembly approved the UN Convention of the Elimination of human trafficking and exploitation On 2 December 1949 the General Assembly approved the UN Convention on the Elimination of trafficking in persons and exploitation of prostitution of others. Since 1986 it note on the International Day to abolish slavery. In 2004, the UN General Assembly declared the International Year to mark the struggle against slavery and its cancellation . Although slavery is illegal, it still exists among different populations, especially in Third World countries.

Most of us feel like slaves in a way. We are slave to work, to fashion, to love- but we have some choice. Real slave doesn't have a choice.
Slavery is a working regime-owned and characterized by a person's control over another person were property. Human slavery is when a human is not free to determine his conduct and his agenda, and his master decides to go through all or most of the lifestyle and ways of behavior.

Usually the slaves throughout history were of race, ethnicity or religion different from their oppressors. The kidnapping or slavery began to fall captive during the war. Reasons slavery of the people for whom they were usually convicted of a crime or an inability to repay debt. Sometimes collected abandoned baby to the family who raised him as a slave. The children of slaves often became slaves themselves.

In ancient Greece, one could get an inheritance or gift slaves. You could also buy prisoners of war, abandoned children or hostages or victims of pirates. The slaves were working jobs unbearable, serve their masters until dawn the next morning, staff, harsh mines etc.

In ancient Rome were not the slaves have no rights. You could torture them and kill them according to the whims of their masters. Masters were rescued and treated it cruelly. One of the rulers writer who throws aquarium full of fish predators slaves were negligent and dropped to nothing.
Europe in modern times slavery was banned in major countries on the continent.

Slavery was common in Africa as elsewhere in the world and is multiplied with the spread of Islam in Africa and arrival of Muslim Arab slave traders. North African pirates kidnap Europeans were unemployed at the time of the Ottoman Empire. Slavery persists in Africa today. Nigeria Building and child trafficking still exists.
America-with the arrival of the conquerors of Europe to the continent, tried to enslave the Indians immigrants, but they died in droves diseases the Europeans brought with them. In addition, the Indians under the protection of Spanish crown and the church with the conversion. Use the new tenants in place in America people brought from Africa as slaves. African slaves were abducted by local traders or by their tribes, and sometimes even sold by their families. So were slaves from Africa to the United States (many of whom were victims on the way).

12 Years a slave- a movie about a free man who became slave for 12 years.

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