Special days of the year

Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day- 15th November

Take a bucket of warm water and soap, disinfectant, a sponge, and a garbage bag, and you're ready the Clean out your refrigerator day!

This is the perfect time cleaning day "special" comes from the United States, because Thanksgiving comes late in November, and you should make room in the refrigerator for all the food and leftovers for the holiday meal. The day was founded by Whirlpool company as a marketing ploy for the holiday in 1999. As part of this day they operated a hotline where they answered questions and gave tips for people who cleaned their refrigerators.

It's good to have such a special day that reminds us to properly clean the refrigerator thoroughly, we may forget to do from time to time because of busy lifestyle and our hectic.

Tips for cleaning the refrigerator:

- Empty all from shelves.
- Clean and wipe the inside of the refrigerator.
- Remove the drawers, rinse them well and clean place inside the refrigerator drawers underneath.
- Throw all the food has expired.
- Throw all the food looks and smells musty. Get rid of anything you do not use and just taking up  space.
- Clean the dust at the back of the fridge (very important to maintain the health of the refrigerator).
- Vacuumed from the floor under the refrigerator.
- Renew the inventory shelves and drawers with good food.
- Now you can enjoy full refrigerator clean and fresh with good things and fun to open it!

Don't listen to her!

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