Special days of the year

He didn't confirm me on facebook!!! :(

What do you feel when someone doesn't confirm your friend request on facebook?

I'm learning a course and the  lecturer opened a Facebook group.

The group is very active and fun to attend and I got some friendship suggestions from friends in the group. I saw that some students have become members of the lecturer. I do not know exactly how much, I think four, maybe more.

Then suddenly I got confidence and I sent a friend request to the lecturer. I thought if he confirmed them, so why not me? So I clicked on "Send a friend request" and I was sure it would be OK.

And he did not confirm me as a friend.

The truth is that I didn't really want to be his friend, I only wanted my friends to see that line informing he is my friend on Facebook.

It's been a week and nothing. There is no confirmation and there is no reference to the request I sent.

And it's not that he is not on Facebook and doesn't see my request. He enters and responds every day, even several times a day. He doesn't even care that I see he's active and ignore my request.

It drives me crazy.

Why did he confirm the rest and me not?

I'm not pretty enough, I'm not interesting, I don't have anything to offer, everything goes through my head. Maybe he thinks I have a crush on him? What does he think I would do now? a Fatal Attraction? lol .... he wished... I have no intentions to court him and there's no romantic intention. Not that I know.

I am now working hard to rebuild my self-esteem. I'm going for a walk and hear lectures about female empowerment on my cell phone headsets. I'm standing in front of the mirror and say to myself that I'm beautiful, I'm doing exercises at home while I recited over and over that I'm smart, cute and interesting.

It's been a week and it still bothers me. As annoying buzzing in the ear: "Why did he not confirm me."

I look at that woman he did confirm. She is so beautiful. So smart, studied at the university abroad and knows three languages. Of course he will approve her. Where have I learned? at the Open University and then a few courses here and there. 

And the other three he confirmed? they don't seem to me such brilliant. So why them and not me?!?

Well, never mind, at least it gives me a motivation to diet.

woman at the doctor

Finally, please answer the true, this is anonymous:

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