Special days of the year

A year of change

At the end of this month will be a year since I left my previous job and started working from home.

This year I managed to open my own business, develop and promote what I do and concrete proposals, earn money 3 times what I made at first.

I hope to triple my profits over the next year and I believe it's possible.

What puzzles me is that people see me as one that doesn't work. Whenever I meet people I hadn't seen for a while they ask me: "Well, did you find a job?" And when I explain that I work from home in online marketing and advertising they ask me: "You can earn from it at all?"

So yes, you can earn. But it takes a long time and learning and a lot of trial and mistakes.

But that's not what I want to talk about, but my life around.

I work on the computer. Every interaction I have with my work-related people is through e-mails, Facebook, Twitter and a telephone. During this year I've become very socially isolated.

There are lots of benefits about working at what I do. I can take off anytime I want, to do errands when I need, I can always be at home when a technician comes, and of course the huge advantage that I determine what I'm going to do.

But there are also disadvantages. I have no time frame and I just cann't break away from the computer. When I'm away I of course with the iPhone that keep updating me of emails, comments received and other.

Even when I sleep I dream of things that happen on the computer.

Very hard for me with the housework. When I worked out was the day set clear and precisely because I had less free time I knew there were certain hours when I should clean up. Suddenly now, because I have extra time to myself, I keep a procrastinator. Besides, the truth is, I confess, although I am really not proud of it, I feel I have taken virtual reality to life and took the place of reality.

It is very important to me that my sites and blogs are organized and beautiful, but the house -less.

For some time now I feel I'm depressed, but yesterday I decided that I have a solution to the situation. The solution is very simple. In one word - do.

Just get up and do. Whatever, whenever it may be one thing, big or small. Clean the bathroom, fold the laundry, fix the porch. Everything I do instead of sitting at the computer, it makes me feel good.

Anyone who feels stuck in his life for some reason, even if the cause isn't similar to mine, has to think: What bothers me? What makes my life difficult?

If you feel you have no social life, call a friend and meet in a cafe. It will not solve all your problems in life, but that's something that can give a good feeling. If you can't find a friend to call, call someone from your family. If it doesn't work, get online forum and try to find your friends there below you can see them.

If you feel stuck in weight loss process and never get on a diet and already lost this day that you eat too much, take a walk. Nothing like a walk in the evening, when the air is cool, be with yourself and thinking. If you don't want to walk, than run, swim, ride a bike. Every exercise you do will help you feel better even if you ate too much and you were a sweet potatoe all day.

I'm not a personal trainer and not intended to be an expert in resolving crises. I can only recommend my from personal experience that to get out from bad situation, you should start small and simple things, actions.

I might have more thoughts and summaries of this year's work from home. Strange year, fun, difficult and easy. That's what I have now.

A nice weekend and fun for everyone!

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